Getting hitched been delayed?
2020 ruin a few plans... we've got you.
1. Follow us on Instagram here @wearethirdmind and get your best man to do the same.
2. DM us and tell us more about your wedding and your fiancé! Please tell us about your old wedding date and your new wedding date.
3. Share a link to your favorite Third Mind style, your size and your best man's size via DM and we will be in touch!
4. You will have to pay for shipping costs but it's well worth it for shoes that let you dance the night away.
Instagram Not Your Thing??
No worries! You can submit your deets below or email the information to! Then spread the word about Third Mind to your friends and family. They can even submit on your behalf!
of all Third Mind rubber used in our soles is reborn from recycled materials
recycled water used throughout our process because of our non-polluting dyes.